In the current times of the devastating health crisis, with social distancing being the counteractive method to contain it many companies have or are facing recessions. This situation is even more crucial to small businesses. Overwhelmed with finding options for making their businesses survive, making payroll or even releasing their products, many entrepreneurs are failing to recognise the need to turn to e-comerce for this.
Nonetheless, consumer are looking for digital resolutions of their searches and are turning to commerce for this.
Living in pandemic during the few months, proofed that establishing reputable online presence and visibility are keeping small businesses afloat and thriving.
The Domain Analysis Foundation is a Bulgarian nonprofit organisation that supports small business owners with Marketing Solutions pro-bono. Our aim is to assist SMEs to increase brand recognition through building up online presence. We help with choosing the perfect domain names and seting up the domains for free. DomainLex provides free domain maintenance and website optimization for small and local businesses and organisations across industries. To even the playing field of digital marketing, we at DomainLex specialize in domain and DNS analysis, making domain information and website marketing tools available to anyone. We provide the database and know-how needed for a small business or organisation to build up, develop and grow its website.
Learn MoreOur organization provides access to domain monitoring tools, an extensive database and knowledge of technical terms
DomainLex educates small business owners on online brand protection strategies and provides to tools to implement them.
Following domain name registration, DomainLex helps business owners set up their websites, integrating search engine optimization and user experience strategies.
DomainLex provides the tools and know-how for business owners to keep track of website traffic and user engagement.
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