Amazon, like other giant online brands, is prone to being used as a ground for phishing scams the latest of which surfaced just last week. This time it targeted customers looking for deals in electronics.
The scam is allegedly run by one of Amazon’s merchants who uses the following tactics. It lures customers by offering too-good-to-be-true deals. Upon checkout, however, a message appears saying that the product is no longer available. At the same time, the customer gets an email to their inbox saying that the item is available to purchase through a phishing link in the email. The link goes to a fake Amazon website which, apart from spelling mistakes, looks real. Then the customer is asked to fill in Amazon login details and payment information. If not, their account will be suspended.
In the midst of a shopping rush, it is easy to fall for such scams, but it is always best to apply caution and get in touch with the vendor even at the slightest suspicion. Apart from the misspellings, the fake site’s domain is not Amazon’s.
A number of domain investigation tools can be used to track down who’s behind domains. For more on cybercrime and domain tools for investigation, go to <Let’s talk about cybercrime>.
This post’s topic deals with phishing scams. To learn more, go to <Over 400,000 Phishing Websites Detected Each Month in 2016>.