2017 set off nicely with a one-word .com domain heading the top sales chart. Framer.com was sold at Undeveloped.com for $250,000 to a startup company. For half that price, Emeralds.com was sold via Getyourdomain.com.
ccTLDs did pretty well taking up the 4th spot with Auito.it for $27,567 while number 3 was a three-letter domain, GUD.com, for $32,000. Overall, ccTLDs commanded good prices. In the top country code list, Auito.it was followed by the Dutch Venetie.nl banking $19,500 at Undeveloped.com.
It is interesting to note that there is one new gTLD among the top 20. Best.creditcard was sold for $10,900 at Sedo.
While the top selling .com domains that launched the season sold for a bit less that the end-of-year domains, it is too early to talk trends.
To read more, on domain sales, go to <Top Domain Sales that Concluded 2016> and <The Highest Selling Domain of the Year Sweeps Off $3.7 mln.>